After taking Audrey to” Becoming a Big Sister” class, we were given a homework book to complete together. The following day Audrey insisted on doing her homework. We worked non-stop for an hour. I know that I will probably lose the book or end up throwing it out, so I wanted to remember some of my favorite answers and to be able to share them with her when she is older.


Q: How did you feel the very first time you learned that you were going to get a baby brother or sister?
A: Happy and Excited. I knew I would be a good sister.


Q: What do you want to know about your new brother or sister?
A: I wanted to know what a nibble was, but now I know it is the thing that goes on top of the bottle. But I know that now, so I want to know will it throw up on me?


Q: What would you like to share with you new brother or sister?
      Stuffed Animals – A: everyone
      Board Games- A: every game
      Books- A: every book


Q: Would names would you like for the baby?
A: Girls- Ella, Mella
A: Boys- Bella, Crisp

Q: What are some silly names you might call the baby?
A: cockertell, grinst


Q: What will your family look like when the baby comes?

photo drawing